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Accessibility Audits

Every new and existing building must be assessed to ensure it meets the requirements of the 2010 Equality Act. Most of the current requirements were first outlined in the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act which was superseded by the 2010 legislation.

An accessibility audit carried out by Delaney Marling Partnership will assess the building and determine if it meets its obligations under the 2010 Act.

Why An Audit is Needed

The 2010 Equality Act is not enforced by local authorities but is designed to allow individual persons or organisations to bring civil actions when they have a grievance with a business or building owner (under the act).

Therefore, it is essential that property owners understand their obligations under the legislation and are able to demonstrate (by means of an accessibility audit) that they have taken reasonable action to meet those obligations.

The Final Report

The final accessibility audit provided by the Delaney Marling Partnership helps the client understand their obligations under the 2010 Equality Act and identifies barriers to complying with the legislation along with solutions to overcome those barriers. The audit report will categorise the priority of those items identified in order to help the building owner develop a programme of works.

For more information please don't hesitate to call us on 01482 623955 (Hull & East Riding) or 01472 729964 (North & North East Lincolnshire) or contact us through this website.

What Is Covered By The Audit?

The audit covers both the access and egress to the building as well as the internal suitability of the building for use by those with disabilities. The main areas considered by the audit are:

  • Parking - the condition of the car park surface; lighting and the routes from parking to entrance including street furniture
  • Access to the premises - suitability of ramps and steps into the building; ease of access through entrance doors, layout of reception areas
  • Internal Circulation - suitability of corridors for wheelchairs, lifts and stairs, flooring and surfaces
  • Services - access to communal / canteen areas; suitability of toilets, bathrooms and changing facilities, lighting and heating, ease of use of switches, handles etc, accessibility of telephones and alarm systems.
  • Egress from the building - escape routes, fire exits, emergency systems
  • Building management - maintenance of services, lighting and systems, ensuring corridors and routes are clear of obstructions.

01482 623955

Hull & East Riding

01472 729964

North & North East Lincolnshire